Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bird Observations

On Wednesday we went through the mangroves in a pirouge and there we saw many birds in their natural habitat like herons, pelicans, kingfishers and other birds. We either drew them or took photo's.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Star gazing whooohooo!

On the first night of our stay at Sine Saloum, The 7th Grade went star gazing. Unfortunately there were no shooting stars that some of us found out were actually meteors that were moving so fast they went ablaze. It was cool we learnt lots of things but man it was cold outside especially if all you wore untop was a t-shirt.


On Thursday we met with some students of a school within Sine Saloum. We interviewed them in french and asked them some questions like: Comment t'appelles-tu? Quel age as-tu?
Quel est ton cours prefere a l'ecole? Tu parles combien de langues? Les quelles? Then they asked us some questions after we were done.

Mangrove food web

We saw many animals in the mangroves of Sine Saloum which was awsome! So here is a food web of a few of them we saw.

Shells: Reuse,Reduce and Recycle

On the trip we also learned that the locals at Shell Island recycled thier shells and how they did it.
First they'd eat up the oysters and keep the shells. They'd collected all the shells, burn them first and crush them afterwards. Finaly they would mix the shells with sand, leave them to dry in the sun and that's how they made bricks from shells


During our lovely stay in Sine Saloum we had to do skit versions of traditonal folk tales. We had to prepare and practice for it on the pirouge to the hotel. All the skits were great but they all had different proverbs. I didn't here any of the proverbs but I knew what the folk tales were trying to tell us.
The first skit's message was to be kind to nature. The second skit's message proverb was not to cheat other's and to be wise. The third skit's proverb was to know who to trust and be careful around people who want to trick you. And finally the last skit's message was to have limits and to stop some times even when you are eating.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


What are some biotic and abiotic factors of mangroves and oysters?
The water carries nutrients to oysters hanging on mangroves.
The king fisher eats an oyster.

Describe a symbiotic relationship between mangroves and other organisms.
The birds that nest in the mangroves live together without harming each other.

How do the 3 religions in Fadhjout coexist?
They all share the same grave yard

Describe in your own words how shell Island was formed?
People may have eaten oysters or other shelled animals and dropped their shells on the ground and soon enough they piled up and hardened into the ground and became part of the Island.